over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
The nominations are in, and it's time to decide the 2021 Pirate of the Year! Visit the link below to make your selection: https://forms.gle/xLtKnvsiP6UieiEN8 You may vote as many times as your would like, and you are free to share the link to this form with friends and family who may also with to vote. Votes are anonymous. Voting closes on Monday, September 27.
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
It's a little too hot outside for flurries, but these West Pirates hosted an indoor snowball fight as part of their lesson on rounding!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
West Elementary Pirates enjoyed exploring virtual reality on Dot Day! https://app.seesaw.me/#/item/item.5651beb5-c750-4720-aa91-c0ac75fbc94a/share/prhUk4rGSsiI15ll_UbOIQ
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
"Smelly" stickers - an elementary school rite of passage! West kindergarten students are loving the scratch-and-sniff stickers issued in their P.E. class!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
smelly sticker
smelly sticker
Reminder: Monday, September 6 is a staff and student holiday for Lubbock-Cooper ISD.
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
No School Monday, September 6
Chick-fil-A and school supplies - two of our favorite things! Receive a free Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich when you donate new and unopened school supplies to benefit our Pirate Pantries, now through August 28!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
pirate pantry cfa
Big news, Pirates! Breakfast and lunch cafeteria meals will be FREE for all students for the 2021-22 school year! (A la carte items will still be available for purchase.)
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
free school meals
Summer is wrapping up, but camp sign-ups aren't over just yet! Mini Pom Camp is August 6-7! See the flyer for details, and register your child at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lubbock-cooper-pom-camp-kinder-2nd-grade-tickets-163408090999 (for grades K-2) or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lubbock-cooper-pom-camp-3rd-5th-grade-tickets-163380490445 (for grades 3-5).
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
pom camp
Are you new to Lubbock-Cooper ISD? Enroll now at your home campus! Visit https://www.lcisd.net/page/new-enrollees for required documents, attendance zones, and more!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
welcome pirates
We know our Pirates are soaking up the summer sun, but we just can't wait to start a new school year! We miss you! Elementary Open Houses and PK/Kinder Camp will be held Monday, August 16! See the flyer for more information!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
back to school flyer
As we transition to the new student email address/login format, it is possible that students or parents may be seeing class assignments or schedules for the 2021-22 school year on various platforms frequently used by students. Please know that all scheduling is currently in draft mode. Schedules and class assignments are incomplete and not finalized, and anything a student or parent may come across regarding scheduling or class assignments is not guaranteed and is possibly inaccurate. When schedules and class assignments are finalized, you will be notified by your child's campus.
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
Online Student Verification is now open! Visit https://www.apptegy.net/s/news-lcisd/articles/online-verification-now-open for instructions and links! (Remember, Verification must be completed in order for you to receive your child's 2021-22 schedule/classroom assignment!)
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
Looking for Friday night fun for the whole family? Theatre Camp will present The Lion King Kids at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, June 25 at the LCISD Performing Arts Center! Purchase tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-lion-king-kids-performance-tickets-160484797349!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
The Lion King Kids flyer
LCISD students in incoming grades PK-5 can adopt a football, cheer, or pom Pirate for the varsity football season! The cost is $50, which will include a t-shirt and admits your child into all home varsity football games. For more information and to sign up, visit https://5il.co/ukgf. Adopt-a-Pirate assignments will be made in the order registration form and payment are received. If you have questions about the Adopt-a-Pirate program, please contact Laura Jordan at ljordan@lcisd.net!
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
Adopt-a-Pirate header
Lubbock-Cooper ISD is seeking stakeholder input as the district develops a plan to utilize the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funds that will address student learning loss, learning recovery, and lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your input is desired and will be critical to the application process for ESSER III funding. Please complete the district's ESSER III survey the district website.
over 3 years ago, Lubbock-Cooper ISD